Our team does the work.
You reap the reward.
We connect you with hassle-free investment opportunities in targeted markets, in asset classes we believe in. We seek properties that offer years of passive income and healthy returns when the property sells.
We help busy professionals like you
generate passive income. This is made possible by directly investing in commercial real estate projects with our teams, embedded in local markets.
These opportunities typically pay out a distribution on a monthly or quarterly basis through the life of the project, generated by the cash flow from the project.
You can track these distributions in an online investor portal, or simply watch them land in your bank account via direct deposit. Our repeat investors enjoy watching their cumulative returns, as their passive investing portfolio continues to grow.
Passive income is your path to financial freedom. Our repeat investors are well on their way to living life completely on their terms.
Meanwhile the team at Madison Investing is reviewing dozens of deals, sponsors and markets to serve up strong investment opportunities with cash flow and growth potential for our passive investors.
What our investors are saying
"Madison has differentiated itself by providing education on the assets they present, concise and consistent communication on the investments and developing a real personable relationship with their limited partners. We have completed 5 investments so far and looking forward to doing more in the future!"
- Jordan L., Repeat Investor